I also made it up in time for the bachelorette party on Wednesday night. I surprised Katie with a cake for that also. And I showed up with a few extra little gifts.....see if you can figure out what they are.
Little did I know it was going to be cold when I got there!! There was some sort of freak cold front and it was a high of 60, cloudy, and windy!! I did not pack accordingly....I had to go buy a sweatshirt, and I wore it for 3 days straight.
I also helped make wedding favors which consisted of
coating 10 pounds of espresso beans in chocolate!! It took 3 hours and it took up the entire apartment!! We had beans coming out of our ears....never again. Maybe some day I'll look back on it and laugh, but not today. There are some pictures of the ordeal in the photo album along with many more from the trip. These few are just a preview of the awesome time I had, once again, in Minneapolis!
It was a bittersweet trip for all of us. It is very likely the last time we would all be together in Minneapolis. Many of my friends are spreading in various different directions at the end of the month. They have all been a huge part of my life and I love and will miss them all very much. it was a wonderful weekend and I will never ever forget it.