As most of you know I've wanted to play bassoon in a professional orchestra since I was 5. I won't go into the long story...but let's just say it involved a record of Peter and the Wolf and many grueling years of waiting until I was big enough to play and smart enough to spell 'bassoon'.
The long wait has finally ended. In the last 2.5 weeks I have auditioned, accepted, and played for my first professional group. I am the 2nd bassoonist of the Baton Rouge Symphony. Don't get me wrong, I'll still keep taking auditions because there is always a slightly higher group to play in, but if that day never comes for me I am perfectly happy where I am. It's never mattered to me where I was long as I'm doing just that. I'm never happier than when I'm playing bassoon. The first concert was last night.....
You're probably thinking that it should have felt like any other orchestra concert I've ever played in. I sat in the exact same spot I've alway sat it, was surrounded by all the same instruments that normally surround me, and I was looking into the same bright lights with the hint of a baton waving around in front of me. But no........ it was unlike any experience of my life. Maybe it was just knowing what all went into getting to play in that concert and sitting in that chair, surrounded by those musicians, looking at that particular baton. I mean.... I was sitting there thinking "this is totally awesome! I'm getting paid for this!" (not a whole lot mind you) but paid none the less! After so many disappointing auditions I'd started to wonder if I was going down the right track. I started looking at other possibilities (music therapy, teaching, something in the totally opposite direction). I even gave myself a 5 year deadline. If I hadn't gotten an audition by then, I'd move on, accept that I was supposed to be doing something else with my life. After last night I'm so glad I got to that chair before the 5 year deadline! I would have completely missed out on something absolutely incredible! There was absolutely no where else I should have been last night besides on that stage. It's just who I am. I'll never be wealthy, living the high life. But that's okay. And do you know why it's okay? Because never will I say "Ah man...I have to go work" I get to say "Oh man! I have to go to work!!!"
If I never make it to a larger orchestra I'll have to keep doing something else on the side, but it's okay because I know why I'm having to work in a coffee shop or an office supply store. It's because I'm living the dream, and to me that's everything. Not many people feel about their jobs the way I feel about mine which is that I never have to work a day in my life. And I can mean it with all of my heart.
I always thought that "follow your dreams" "you can do whatever you set your mind to" were kind of cliche. I had started to lose faith in those phrases, but boy have a changed my outlook. Today I would double dog dare you to go back 20 years and tell that little blonde, curly headed 5 year old girl that she wouldn't be doing exactly what she wanted when she grows up. It makes me think of that song from Sweet Charity:
All I can say is "Wow-ee!
Now on to the not quite so heart felt part of the trip! I LOVE Baton Rouge. There's delicious food: crawfish etoufee, bar-b-q, and oh oh oh the sweet tea! 
I had Monday off so we drove down to New Orleans.
Thank you to all of my friends and family who have supported me over the years. I know this is probably said way too often, but I really couldn't have done it without you. Your love and encouragement helped push me through the rough times. You reminded me day after day why I do what I do and helped me to never lose sight of my love and passion. Thank you. I owe all of this to you.
Looka where I am.
Tonight I landed, pow!
Right in a pot of jam.
What a set up! Holy cow!
They'd never believe it,
If my friends could see me now!
Tonight I landed, pow!
Right in a pot of jam.
What a set up! Holy cow!
They'd never believe it,
If my friends could see me now!
Now on to the not quite so heart felt part of the trip! I LOVE Baton Rouge. There's delicious food: crawfish etoufee, bar-b-q, and oh oh oh the sweet tea!
brisket stuffed baked potatoes. Awww heaven
One of my favorite places in the U.S. We had some food, listened to a little music. All a fantastic way to spend the day.
I bought a piece of art from a street artist. There's just something about contributing money to a struggling artist that makes me feel good inside. and the painting is pretty darn cute if I do say so myself. I think looking at and buying art from the merchants around Jackson Square is just one of those things you need to experience in New Orleans.
We spent some time in downtown Baton Rouge. Went to the capitol building and saw where Huey Long was assassinated. Then we saw his grave which is actually in the Capitol Gardens near a huge statue of him. We spent a little time in the Louisiana State Museum. There was a lot to see and read about so we only made it through the first floor. But it was free so i'll be back to peruse the other fascinating exhibits. The zoo was only $1 from 3-5 on Wednesdays so i thought it was worth checking out. Absolutely not! The large cat exhibit (which is supposedly the highlight) was closed for renovations and the rest of the zoo was awful. i won't even discuss it. Lets just say it brought me to tears and I couldn't get out of there fast enough! Darn them they got my dollar!!!
The rest of the time was spent in rehearsal and resting up for rehearsals. I keep thinking I would love to live there, but 90 degrees with 95% humidity is a little much...even for me. And I like to think of myself as adaptable to any climate. I mean heck! I lived in the tundra for 3 years! We'll see I guess. I suppose every place is going to have downsides to it's climate. You just learn to adjust. It is a great place though. I always felt at home in New Orleans and now Baton Rouge. I'd move there just for the sweet tea! It's the little things that make me realize how much I missed the South :) Anyway, the concert was a success. Bryan tried to record a little, but it doesn't quite do it justice. At least I don't think so. Either way... here's a little tid bit of Tchaikovsky's 4th Symphony for your enjoyment!!
The city was great! The rehearsals were great! The concert was out of this world!!!!! I still can't think of many words besides 'awesome' to describe how I still feel right now. I'm still on my musician's high. I think this picture comes pretty close to summing it up.

"If music be the food of love, play on"