March 31, 2010


I realize my posts have not been interesting as of late. This does not mean I'm a boring lump. :) I'm still doing so many things I can't keep my head on straight, but plans are changing and once again everything seems to be up in the air. Once some kind of plan gets established I will keep everyone updated. Lets just say it's looking like Oklahoma will be my home for another year and I will officially be entering the world of the grown-ups by purchasing a new car. Like I said.....things are iffy. That is all. But don't worry......I'm still alive and kicking, barely.

Boring fact for you but interesting one for me! The first 3 blogs on my blog list to the side are all friends with little girls named Addison! So therefore, no one else can name their daughter Addison. Otherwise I'm going to get very confused. :)

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